2023 Auto Parts and After-Sales Exhibition (AAPEX) in Las Vegas, USA, exhibition time: October 31st ~ November 2nd, 2023, exhibition location: 201 Sands Ave, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, USA , NV 89169 United States - Sands Convention and Exhibition Center, organizer: APAA, ASIA, MEMA, holding cycle: once
翻译类型文字图片文档网站文本翻译中文(简体) - 检测到的语言中文(简体)英语德语swap_horiz英语中文(简体)日语原文中东迪拜汽配展览会(Automechanika Dubai)是中东地区规模最大、效果最好的车零配件及售后服务展览会。是世界规模最大的汽车零件配件系列展AUTOMECHANIKA全球巡回展之一,每届展会都吸引了大批来自世界各地的汽车配件生产企业的参展商和中东地区的采购商,为展会的成功举办创造了绝佳条件。 中东迪拜汽配展Automechanika Dubai上届展会总面积65000平方米,参展企业1582家均来自中国、日本、韩国、德国、意大利、英国、美国等,参展人数达308
According to the statistics of OICA (World Automobile Organization), the number of global car ownership increased steadily from 2010 to 2015. According to preliminary estimates, from 2016 to 2021, the global car ownership will increase year by year. In 2016, the global car population was about 1.3 b